We’re Back!

We had the pleasure of playing two very special places over the weekend. We discovered Teplice’s Bozak club during our winter tour with Z Ničeho Nic, and we had such a nice audience that we had to return to this cool venue in the basement of a 20-storey building in the middle of a housing estate. This time we played with a celtic punk band singing in Czech (The Curlies) and our gig turned out about as good as the first one. We thought that last time everyone in the Teplice punk scene bought at least one of our CDs or T-shirts, but apparently the already extremely high percentage of per capita Bankrupt merch could be raised further.

Bankrupt at White Trash

Bankrupt at White Trash

Although Berlin has several cool venues, White Trash Fast Food is definitely the coolest of them all. Already the first thing we saw outside the venue was this cool:
White Trash Fast Food

White Trash Fast Food

And it looked even cooler when it got dark:
White Trash Fast Food

White Trash Fast Food

The interior has an American diner crossed with a Chinese restaurant and an Irish pub kind of feel to it, and since our gig was part of the Berlin Music Week, there was a decent turnout as well. Of course, our main man Nolti, Berlin’s No. 1 punk rock authority and the amazing Noltine showed up, as well as HCL from 667.
Everything was set for a great gig, and it happened they way it had to, we played well, the crowd liked it, and if all goes well, we can return in the spring. The two weirdest characters of the night were the venue’s resident drag queen DJ and a guy with a face tattoo in shorts and a pelt vest.
We got to sleep at the Noltis, and that’s the best treatment imaginable for a punk rock band visiting Berlin. (We’re lucky to have you guys as friends. Thanks for everything!) We had to sit in the car from noon till midnight on the way back on Sunday, but it was definitely worth it, and we’ll do it again as soon as we can.