20,000 listeners on last.fm

As of today, we have exactly 20,000 listeners on last.fm, which sounds pretty good, even if a lot of these people have probably just heard one song on the radio. (The average listener has listened to 4 Bankrupt songs.) Our most popular album is Shorter Than Danny DeVito with 15,220 listeners, and it contains our 2 biggest last.fm hits: Record Store Renegade (5,524 listeners) and 18 Now (4,386 listeners). Each of these songs is more popular than any other Bankrupt album: Bad Hair Day has 3,364 listeners, Rocket to Riot City has 2,526, Listen has 1,191, and Razor Wires And Neon Lights has only 688 (it deserves more). Continue reading

100 Club to be closed down

Four years after CBGB closed down, it seems another legendary punk venue will disappear soon. The 100 Club, which was the cradle of the ’77 London punk scene, is facing closure at the end of the year as the owners are unable to pay the radically raised rent. Punk rock legend Mick Jones (of The Clash) and numerous other musicians are looking for ways to save it, and there’s a Facebook protest group too, but the odds of saving the 100 Club don’t seem too high, unfortunately. John Robb of Goldblade summed up on the NME website perfectly why this would be a great loss for anyone into punk rock. Continue reading

The new MySpace 3.0 is coming on Oct 15

We got a lot of feedback about our post on the new Myspace profile 3.0. Since the lack of css customization will kill a lot of bands’ MySpace design, everyone wants to know when they will be forced to upgrade their MySpace profile to 3.0. The latest news is that the new look of MySpace, also known as Project Futura, will launch on October 15. Continue reading

New Bankrupt video: Wave Of Bankruptcy

On Sept 15, 2008, almost exactly 7 years after the collapse of the Twin Towers, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and the world’s financial system collapsed too. A wave of bankruptcy started and our band name suddenly started to make sense. So we wrote a song called Wave Of Bankruptcy.
It’s September again, and now we have a video for it. Continue reading