Let’s Make a Music Video For Michael!

Our former singer Michael Kovrig has been innocently imprisoned for more than 950 days. We’ve released The Plane To Toronto to raise awareness of his situation. The song only has a lyric video so far, and we’d like to take it one step further by creating a crowdsourced collaboration video. We’ll create a video where you’ll be acting as if you were passing around Free Michael signs, as you can see in the trailer below. You can either download our artwork from here or use this simple design, or create your own hand-made one.

You should record a vertical full HD (1080 x 1920) video with your phone. The video will be cropped to square size, so make sure that both the top of your head and the bottom of the sign will fit in the square. If you can record a square 1080×1080 video (Clips on iPhone should be good for this), that’s even better. Please shoot it outdoors. If you have a background characteristic of your city, the result will be even more amazing!

If you record with the selfie camera, the video can be mirrored (depending on your settings). This is not a problem, we can flip it horizontally.

Here are some instructions and a sample video:

  1. Start with looking into the camera standing still for a few seconds. Don’t stand too close to the camera, so that everything fits in the square cropped video!
  2. Reach out to your right for the sign and pull it in front of your body
  3. Hold the sign for a few seconds
  4. Hand it over to your left
  5. Stand still facing the camera in the starting position for a few more seconds

The video should be about 10-15 seconds long altogether.

Please send it to rocco@bankrupt.hu via wetransfer before 20 Aug.

If you have any questions, just drop a mail to the same address.

Bankrupt Turns 25

The first line-up of Bankrupt (Rocco – bass, William – guitar, Michael K – vocals, Black Peter – drums) got together in March 1996. Fast forward 25 years, Michael’s in a Chinese prison while the rest of us are in lockdown Budapest thanks to the 3rd wave of covid. Not the birthday we’d wished for, but let’s make the most of it. We’re trying to collect all sorts of memorabilia from our past now, so if you have any old photos, posters, recordings, let us know!

For starters, here’s a recording of Listen with Michael on vocals from 1999. It came out on We’re Not Generation X, the first compilation of GC Records, with cover art by Winston Smith of Dead Kennedys fame.

2020 Roundup

2020 has been the worst year ever for most people, and we’re no exception. But while on a personal level we had to deal with nasty health issues, job loss and isolation, as a band we did pretty well despite the circumstances.

We released an album after 3 years. Trolls In Suits is our best album so far, it includes 5 songs out of our all-time Spotify Top 10. Speaking of Spotify, we’ve had more than twice as many streams this year than in 2019, and we also did remarkably better on YouTube.

We’ve brought out 5 videos this year, including a really cool official music video for Nightbreed, and our first-ever community collaboration effort for Hello 21, which turned out fantastic.

We’ve also managed to record a punk cover song for a Yacht Rock compilation to be released on Cleopatra Records in the USA next year.

We only played one gig this year (in Budapest), but at least that was a good one. Let’s hope life gets back to normal soon, and we can play live again.

Happy New Year!

New Music Video: Hello 21

We wanted to end this terrible year on a positive note, so we wrote an optimistic, singalong punk rock song and asked our supporters to collaborate on our new music video by sending us clips of themselves raising their drinks to a better year. We’ve received 40 videos from 10 countries and we really like how this project turned out. We hope you’ll like it too! The song’s already available on Bandcamp, and will arrive to Spotify and other stores over the weekend.