Zombie Racers: free online flash game for punk rockers

Halloween is coming up, so how’s about killing zombies to the punk rock sounds of Bankrupt? Zombie games are generally cool, but Zombie Racers by Big Head Games is especially cool because of their sophisticated choice of background music. The free online flash game version is available on Facebook here, but it’s just an appetizer, the real deal is the iPhone app that you can find in the iTunes store. So get in your vintage car and start running over as many zombies as you can!

The oldest punk rock bands ever

As the generation gap is constantly widening between us and the latest generation of punk rockers, we need to find solace in comparing ourselves to bands that are even older than us. This list doesn’t include novelty punk rock acts featuring very old people, such as One Foot In The Grave, or Team Spider, it’s more like a longest running punk band list with some special considerations.
The rules: bands first got points for active years, then they got penalty points for losing key members, releasing less than 10 albums, or releasing non-punk stuff, or received a bonus point for featuring an extra old member. Obviously, we didn’t consider bands here that reformed without any key members just to perform at the Holidays In The Sun festival. Here’s the list: Continue reading