The best songs about nostalgia – The Top Ten Throwback Tunes

Nostalgia is one of the most common topics in popular music, and that’s also true of punk rock and other genres closely related to it. So this time it wasn’t too hard to compile a proper top ten list of the best nostalgic songs ever. (Sorry, John, Paul, George and Ringo, but Yesterday didn’t make it. Don’t give it up though!)
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The best songs about recession and unemployment

2012 will bring economic recession worldwide. Our last list was a compilation of the best weekend songs ever, but with an ongoing global crisis you should think twice before complaining about your boring day job, cos at the end of the day, you’re lucky to have one at all. So here’s a compilation of songs about economic recession, unemployment and depression. Continue reading

How to get a million views on YouTube

While it’s quite difficult to get even a couple of thousand views on YouTube for our own music videos, there are videos with hundreds of thousands views across YouTube that use our music. So why on Earth would a video about body building in Brazil would get over one and a half million views? We have absolutely no idea, but Farewell To The Cretins by Bankrupt was a good choice for background music. (No offense meant to the guys in the video.)

The best weekend songs ever

Those of us who live in the 9 to 5 world (the Ramones were so afraid of) can all agree that the weekend is the light at the end of the tunnel. People need songs about the weekend to help them survive 5 working days in the office. No wonder there were plenty of great songs written on this topic. So we have compiled a list of our favorite ones. Continue reading